Chinese Tea was served

Table in restaurant

Could not stand the hunger after the long train journey and long walk though we had heavy breakfast at Nathan so ordered brocolli (20RMB) to fill the stomach first since the porridge will take a long time to cook.

Lala which is nice - 26RMB

Finally the porridge 砂锅粥 came after 40mins. It was cooked with 1 kati of prawns (60RMB), 1 kati of frog legs (48RMB)and half kati of eel (25RMB)in it. Very delicious and sweet flavoured. This costed 133RMB.

The prawns and ingredients were very fresh which made the porridge very sweet.

Mapo Tofu - not so nice (15RMB)

Total cost for the lunch was 195RMB. Tissue costed 1RMB. Tea was free!
Address : 地址:罗湖区乐园路99号
Phone: 25157223.
Side street 中興路towards the main street東門中路 after lunch

After lunch, it was another long walk to my brother's place.

We had roasted goose at my brother's place - tasted so so and quite oily. The duck at my office is much nicer.

Chen ji's roasted meat

View from his condo

After resting a while, we took a bus near his place to Huaqiang.
Day 1 - Flight to Hong Kong -> Nathan Hotel Hotel (Review) -> Dinner at 稻香超級漁港Tao Heung Restaurant -> Temple Street
Day 2 - Breakfast at Nathan Hotel -> Avenue of Stars -> Train to Luo Hu -> Roasted goose at Luo Hu Station, Shenzhen -> Days' Inn Lao Jie (Review) -> Laojie 老街東門盯-> Lunch at 金稻园砂锅粥(乐园路总店)-> Electronics Shopping at Huaqiang - > MixC - > Dinner at 西湖春天 -> Laojie at night
Day 3 – Breakfast at Days Inn -> Window of the World(Entrance& Stone Sculpture Garden) -> WOW(USA/Egypt) -> WOW (Europe) -> WOW(Middle East/Asia) -> Lunch at 金牌小龙, Yitian Holiday Plaza -> Splendid China -> Rest at Hotel -> Laojie -> Dinner at Tang Palace 盛世唐宮
Day 4 - Breakfast - > Back to Hong Kong -> 金華冰廳 Kam Wah Cafe 蛋撻、菠蘿油 -> Lunch at Ocean Empire Congee Shop 海皇粥店 -> Lee Keung Kee North Point Eggette/ Egg Waffle 利強記北角雞蛋仔 at Jordan -> Check in Disneyland Hotel (Review) -> Disneyland Resort MTR Sation - > Tai Cheong 泰昌餅家 Egg Tart from Tsing Yi -> Shopping at Tung Chung -> Dinner at Federal Restaurant, Tung Chung
Day 5 - Dim Sum at Tao Heung at Hsing Yi - > Disneyland (Entrance/Main Street) -> Tomorrowland/Fantasyland -> Lunch at Festival of Food / Parade -> ToyStory Land/Adventureland -> Dinner at Plaza Inn -> Disneyland Fireworks/Closing
Day 6 - Breakfast at Enchanted Garden - > Disneyland -> Lunch at Comets Cafe -> Disneyland -> Dinner at Super super Congee at Hsing Yi - > View fireworks from Hotel Balcony
Day 7 - Dim Sum at Tao Heung at Hsing Yi - > Lunch at Crystal Lotus -> Island Pacific Hotel (Review) -> Star Ferry to TsimShaTsui -> Hertiage 1881 -> Dinner at Kwan Kee 坤記 上環Shueng Wan-> Desert at 源記
Day 8 - Breakfast at McDonalds's - > The Peak -> Central -> Lunch at Honolulu Cafe -> Mak Kee Wanton Noodles -> Causeway Bay -> Dinner at Chi Kee Wanton Noodles -> Desert at 翠園 & 恭和堂 龜嶺膏
Day 9 - Breakfast - > 齒來香 -> Checkout -> Flight to Singapore
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